I watched a documentary on netflix about the assasination and it was a theory I've never heard before. Guy was a ballistics expert.. He claims a secret service agent in the car trailing kennedy grabbed an ar15 after he heard the first shot and "accidentally" let a round off that hit kennedy in the head. I don't know how much weight the theory holds but there is pictures of the agent in the trailing car with the ar15 in his hand... Like I said his thought the guy pulled the rifle after he heard lho's first shot and accidentaly let a round off striking the president.. Then the secret service obviously covered it up.. There's so many fucking theories and I'm in no way saying any is right or wrong.. This theory I mentioned could be full bullshit for all I know. I just thought it was interesting to watch because I've never heard anything about this before so I just thought I would mention it here. If anyones interested in watching the documentary ill look it up and post the name of it here if anyone wants to check it out on netflix.