Originally Posted By: Scorsese
Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane

Killing- Pre Katrina you had organized street gangs that were drug dealing and robbing people, etc, etc, but after the hurricane what happened was they evacuated the city and a lot of people in lower income areas were bused to neighboring cities like BR, Lafayette, and as far as Houston.

In my opinion it is now very disorganized. For instance, you have ten people that have been shot in the last month on Bourbon St, majority of which were tourists. Now of course street gangs are sitting on these corners selling dope because when tourists come down here they have the mentality that "it's the big easy, and anything goes, Mardi Gras every day!

Now the people that did these shootings weren't part of any OC group or highly sophisticated street gang like MS13 or some of the Chicago and NY street gangs. This is idiot #1 shooting at idiot #2 over a street corner that neither of them can afford to live on (The French Quarter is a very expensive place to "live" IE have a house and stay there 365 a year). So in a traditional turf sense, they are shooting over random street corners that happen to have the busiest bars that particular night of the week. The sad thing about all of this is some poor guy from Iowa who wanted to party ends up getting shot in his ass on Bourbon because people are fighting over which street corner they can sell dope on and not realizing its NOLA, people come down here to get wasted anyways so it doesn't matter where you stand, trust me they will find you if they want to get high!

And of course we run into this "Nola Family is still alive" by probably the biggest pretenders in the country. There are rumors that this pretend family made billions off of the rebuilding of Nola after Katrina. Problem with this argument is that anyone that you meet that claims "to be in the know" can not name one person involved in any of these financial scams. There are guys in NY getting busted all the time for crimes less than this and I refuse to believe there is something in the water down here that makes the Pretend Fairy Nola Family a million times smarter than NY.

I was reading about Telly hankton and his gang he seemed to be running a large scale enterprise well after katrina. http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2012/10/telly_hankton_network_targeted.html

Don't get me wrong Scorsese, there are still organized operations going on throughout the state, but in the big picture, guys like Telly are few and far between.

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"