Originally Posted By: IKnowNothing
Originally Posted By: TommyGambino
Originally Posted By: blacksheep
So is that family finished or are they really that good at staying under the radar?

They haven't been a viable family for a long time. Handful of made guys left.

Well there you have it. We can all move on. "Tommy Gambino" The Leading Voice/Authority on American organized crime (Which is quite a feat seeing as how he's in England) has decreed That the once powerful New Orleans mob "Is no longer a viable family" because they have only a "Handful of made guys left". It looks like we can put that debate to rest. No word on whether or not "Tommy Gambino"s definition of "Viable Family" matches yours.

YouKnowNothing-No, they are done, seeing as I am from Louisiana and live near Nola, I can tell you FOR A FACT they are done. And a buddy of mine, Who was an Intelligence Officer for the Army when I was an Infantry Officer, is now a FBI agent and has been stationed in BR/Nola for two years and they aren't even investigating "Italian OC" in the state of Louisiana because it is that insignificant, if even existant.

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"