One of the under-reported stories is how Palestinians contribute to their own misery through their own bad choices that they refuse to take responsibility for. Case in point:

After Arafat died in late 2005,(leaving his family in Switzerland richer by the $2 billion he embezzled from his own people), Mahmoud Abbas became leader of the Palestinian Authority. Israel thought he was a man of peace so they returned Gaza to the PA--in the process removing 9,000 Jewish settlers, many forcibly, so the Palestinians wouldn't be bothered by any Jews in their midst. The Palestinians immediately voted out the PA and installed Hamas, an Islamic terrorist organization whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel. They then started raining rockets down on Israel (~9k by now).

What did the Palestinians think was going to happen when they voted in Hamas? Did they think Israelis would stand idly by while their country was being attacked? And, what did they think would happen now, when Hamas resumed raining missiles on Israel, storing them in private homes, schools, hospitals and mosques? Israel actually warns Gaza residents when they are about to attack, and gives them time to clear out--do we provide similar concern to our enemies in Afghanistan? The people clear out; Hamas urges them to stay because Hamas wants dead martyrs so they can prop up their corrupt, fascistic regime and generate wailing-mother video for the global media.

I believe the average Palestinian doesn't want war any more than the average Israeli, and with good reason: Palestinians have suffered far more casualties in the many battles waged with Israel. But they need to take responsibility for their actions. Hamas, with Gazans' fervid approval, started the current battle.

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.