Originally Posted By: TommyGambino
Originally Posted By: Marbala
I'm gonna go out on ledge here but I'm thinking the bkyn guys that just got out take up there old spots I can't see anyone trying to deliberately piss them off. I'm thinking Danny Cutaia's stays the way it is and if his condition worsens it goes to John Baudanza. John gets released in a year and he is from the Canarsie area and closer to Danny obviously.

From what I can tell the BK faction has been slimmed down to 2 big crews, Big John skippers one and Cutaia is pretty much retired, one of the recent BK guys to be released will take that crew once there off parole.

crews ain't what they were even 10 years ago, big John runs Frankie bones crew georgie Conti will likely take that until bones gets out next year and georgie Conti will take Jimmy G Mario gallo and a few stranglers. I can't say what plans the neck has crew wise.

"He who never was can never be, He who was has always been and will always be." Sun Tzu

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