My dear friends, critics whatever you are I'm just speaking on fact read between the lines hear. As for the name "Messy" it has nothing to do with hygiene or dress code the name messy Marvin started from a childhood commercial because the kid had glasses and blonde hair that's it. The name marbala started as a joke mikes mother spoke very broken English and couldnt pronounce Marvin, every time she said Marvin it sounded like marbala. Only after the arrest came down in oct 96 did these comical names come about. Nobody called mike flattop or messy Marvin or Jimmy frogs they would have been killed or beaten viciously. And I understand you only know of what you read and don't actually know any of these guys. However understand that your speaking of guys on here that if the arrest in the 90's didn't take place many of these guys would have been captains and better and none of these fake guys today that are being idolized would be where they are, guys like boobsie would still be running errands and washing cars. So excuse me if I take offense to people talking shit that if I were face to face with them they'd be staining their draws. Now please let's put this behind us and move on I really don't mean to ruffle any feathers I'm nearly trying to clear some things up. I know a lot of the names on here have been around awhile posting and I respect that and mean no disrespect I lived a large part of my live around that. Just go easy on that messy shit ;-)

"He who never was can never be, He who was has always been and will always be." Sun Tzu

You can read about it, watch movies and TV documentaries, but chances are unless you lived it you will not truly understand.