Originally Posted By: Lilo
I finally got around to reading Doctor Sleep. It is a refreshing change from more cynical writers. If you like your heroes good and your bad guys very bad indeed you might enjoy this book. Also if you think the arc of the universe really does bend towards justice this is the book for you.

That said some of King's characters are a little flat from time to time. Or maybe it felt like I had run into a few of them already from The Stand or Insomnia. Anyway as I've said before I remain amazed that King STILL holds a grudge over Kubrick's adaptation of The Shining (as he makes painfully clear in the epilogue to Doctor Sleep). Let it go, dude. Dang! lol

If you are curious as to what Danny Torrance did when he grew up then Doctor Sleep satisfies on that front. The bad guys aren't quite as scary as Barlow from Salem's Lot or the ghosts from The Shining but they are just as malicious.

Spot-on, Lilo. Especially about Kubrick. King can be very malicious, especially for an ex-hippie (and ex-addict) who'll have you believe that he's all about acceptance and forgiveness wink.

That said, I enjoyed the heck out of "Doctor Sleep." And I start "The Long Fall" this weekend, so I'll be in touch smile.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.