Tsk tsk....

Other good James Caan work include the pretty good but underrated Michael Mann-helmed feature THEIF. If you dig "The Mann"'s work like HEAT or INSIDER or the most recent COLLATERAL, take this sucker out for a spin!

One Caan-starring 70's flick that wasn't much really but I watched all of it when it was showed on cable the other day. I speak of THE KILLER ELITE, where he shared top billing with Robert Duvall. One other note of interest is that the film was directed by Sam Peckinpah of WILD BUNCH fame.

Finally, one other Caan-movie that I quite dug. Norman Jewison's ROLLERBALL.

Of all the non-STAR WARS sci-fi movies of the 1970's, the two best offerings are George Lucas' THX 1138 and ROLLERBALL. While ROLLERBALL indeed has dated 70's art direction and look, I still felt the story is still quite "solid!"(hehehe). Besides, the ending I felt was quite something. Its too bad that some a*sholes had to make a god-awful remake of ROLLERBALL with that whats-his-name AMERICAN PIE kid. Really crappy unlike the original.