Hillary may try to get the nomination, but it would be disastrous for the Dems if she got it. She has no chance of winning. If you think the Christian Right came out to vote against Kerry.....wait till Hillary runs.

The Dems need someone who can carry a Southerns state or two. And you cant get that by having a Southerner as the Veep on the ticket. He has to lead. So using that logic, I think Edwards has to be the guy. The question is how do they keep him in the spotlight for 2 years before the election season rolls around again?

I think an Edwards and Harold Ford (Congressman of Tennessee) ticket would be a great move by the Dems. Edwards would pick up North Carolina, I think Ford would deliver Tennessee (he's very popular there because he is considered extremely middle of the road) and the Dems would have a shot at picking up states like Louisiana that have a large black population.

In addition they would pick up the other blue states they got this time.

Fredo, you're my older brother and I love you, but dont ever take sides with anyone against the family again