Well a Kerry/McCain ticket was more likely, and that didn't work out, so a McCain/Clinton ticket is a no go.

Ya I know about the whole Ahhhnuld and Constitution deal. I was just saying "Never Assume Anything"(which I repeatedly break anyway), but I agree totally that the Constitution won't get changed in the next 4 years.

Two reasons why I dug McCain was that unlike the President, he actually "served" in Vietnam and was a POW at a legendarily-horrible Vietnameese prison camp for FIVE YEARS. If a guy can beat a rap that include bamboo, leaches, total enforced silence(with only hand-tapping morse code keeping the prisoners in contact with each other from their isolated cells), he can be President.

Another reason also is that while on some issues he is a neo-conservative like many of the GOP power players are, hes moderate on many issues and actually "bi-partisan". I mean you all remember a few years ago when things were accomplished in fair non-emotionally charged bi-partisanship in Congress?

I agree that Obama has a bright future in front of him unless he f*cks up in a serious way. I see him running for President or at least be a Vice-Presidential candidate in 2012.