Originally Posted By: cheech
Foxy brown. Sheba baby. Coffy. Friday foster. Love me some Pam Grier. And I liked Jackie brown. Just thought he drew it out to long.

I liked it too, Cheech. A lot. But read the book that it was based on. It's even better. It's called "Rum Punch, by Elmore Leonard.

In the book, the flight attendant's name was Jackie Burke. Tarantino changed it to Jackie Brown as an homage to a character in George V. Higgin's "The Friends of Eddie Coyle."

The film was true to the book except for two minor changes. For one thing, in the book Jackie was a blonde haired White woman. Secondly, the book took place in South Florida, the film was set in California.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.