Originally Posted By: ItalianIrishMix
I have been reading a lot lately and I cannot help but notice that when I am reading about a particular informant or, rat.......Anyway, I have never seen anyone with a contract on their head for more than $500,000 and I am curious as to why?

Pistone (He definitely deserved a cool $1,000,000 for the embarassment)

Leonetti (There is no way Nicky still has $500,000 so, I am assuming this one is either closed or reduced to a pack of skittles)

Teresa (He is dead BUT, $500,000 is his time was more valuable than the others)

Valachi (A mere $100,000?....not even worth the effort...Shoot him, clean up the mess, bury him.....Especially if it is summer time, too hot!)

Is $500,000 really as deep as these guys will go?
Has anyone ever wanted to get someone so bad that they exceeded the $500,000?

Also, I can almost bet that even if someone did take out someone with a half mil on their head, I am not too sure that the writer of that contract would actually pay up.
Does anyone recall an incident as such?...Where a huge bounty was placed on someone AND they actually paid out on the hit?


Why offer five hundred thousand when you can get some wannabe to do the hit for five thousand or for nothing in some cases if they want to ingratiate themselves to the family. I think most contracts are in the 10 to 25 grand range.