I have been reading a lot lately and I cannot help but notice that when I am reading about a particular informant or, rat.......Anyway, I have never seen anyone with a contract on their head for more than $500,000 and I am curious as to why?

Pistone (He definitely deserved a cool $1,000,000 for the embarassment)

Leonetti (There is no way Nicky still has $500,000 so, I am assuming this one is either closed or reduced to a pack of skittles)

Teresa (He is dead BUT, $500,000 is his time was more valuable than the others)

Valachi (A mere $100,000?....not even worth the effort...Shoot him, clean up the mess, bury him.....Especially if it is summer time, too hot!)

Is $500,000 really as deep as these guys will go?
Has anyone ever wanted to get someone so bad that they exceeded the $500,000?

Also, I can almost bet that even if someone did take out someone with a half mil on their head, I am not too sure that the writer of that contract would actually pay up.
Does anyone recall an incident as such?...Where a huge bounty was placed on someone AND they actually paid out on the hit?