Originally Posted By: Lou_Para
Originally Posted By: Italianheritage
Originally Posted By: Lou_Para
I went to Catholic school in the early 60's,and one day,the Nun who taught Health class told us that masturbation could make you go blind.
So I asked her if I could just do it until I needed glasses.


What did she say?

Were the nuns at your school mean? I heard that decades ago some were and would hit students with rulers or their hands for no reason at all, if they thought you were bad or just did not like you.
The older nuns seemed to have a mean streak in them. We had a few who would absolutely use a ruler or pointer to crack you on your butt or the back of your head or wherever they felt like it. One time, when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade,I was in the cloakroom(Catholic school term for coatroom) and I accidentally knocked another kids metal lunchbox on the floor.
This nun left her desk,came into the cloakroom,saw what happened,and said"You naughty thing!". She then slapped me across the face. It wasn't a full force blow,but it was hard enough to sting. Regardless of that,what kind of sick bitch slaps a kid across the face (while wearing a crucifix around her neck,no less)?
There were numerous instances of discipline like this,and back in those days,there was a presumption of guilt on the kids part. The conventional thinking was that the nuns didn't whack you unless you gave them a reason to,so not only was nothing done about it,but you faced punishment from your parents when you got home, because you didn't listen at school.
In all fairness,the majority of the nuns were fair minded ,and would take you to the Principal,or call your parents if you seriously misbehaved.
It was just the few old,mean,(and probably sexually repressed)nuns that seemed to enjoy the control and fear that they were able to instill in a bunch of little kids.

I never went to a Catholic school but I'm not Catholic. In elementary school we called it a "cloak room" too but it was just a closet or sometimes a moveable piece of furniture where we would hang our jackets and keep lunch boxes.

My mother worked with women who went to Catholic schools and said how some told her stories about how nuns would get mad at their students and bang their heads into chalk boards; but my mother said most nuns were not like that but that one was mentally ill or something.

But when my grandmother and mother were in public school the teachers were allowed to hit you with a ruler like if you misspelled something, or did something you should not.

One of my friends is a teacher and he told me he wishes that in the north they could still paddle students like they used to be able to, and like how they still do in parts of the south or did for awhile.

I think he should find another job.

I've been a teacher before but while I'm not a pushover I don't flip out or yell at students. Instead I just tell them to calm down, or if they were very bad I would just get someone else to yell at them instead of me.

Friends of mine who grew up in certain Asian countries said how teachers there even in public schools would really literally beat their students like if they got something wrong, did something the teacher didn't like, or if the teacher was having a bad day, and these are kids in elementary school and jr. highschool.

Last edited by Italianheritage; 06/19/14 09:40 PM.