Originally Posted By: Walkner
So I have read Murder Machine, sins of my father, and am like 3/4 of the way through deal with the devil. I think im getting Enforcer or Casino.. Which is the better of those two? Or are they both must reads?

After that it's wide open.. I was considering Donnie Brasco, wiseguy, Five families or boss of bosses. I am mostly interesting the American mob. Anyone have any suggestions for a must read? And what is the better of the books I just mentioned. Thanks .

Just read "Five Families" first. It will give you the background you need before you delve into the more individual biographies.

Oh, for the record, the best individual mob bio I've ever read was "Little Man: Meyer Lansky and the Gangster Life," by Robert Lacey. Absolutely wonderful book smile .

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.