Battaglia: 1966-1967
Alderisio: 1967-1971
Aiuppa: 1971-1986
Carlisi: 1986-1993
DiFronzo: 1993-2005?
D'Amico: 2005?-Present

D'Amico is only speculation on my part. Buccieri and Turk were never bosses. Buccieri was having health problems towards the end of his life and couldn't actively be boss. Turk ran the South Side crew from 1973-1979 but this is the only place I've ever seen him mentioned as boss.

Ferriola as boss from 1986-1989 seems to be the most debated, both officially and unofficially. I could go either way but I'll say Carlisi was boss because he was Aiuppa's protege and heir.

Sarno and Cautadella as boss is laughable at best. Sarno may have been acting boss of Cicero at some point but boss of the Outfit? No way.

"Snakes... Snakes... I don't know no Snakes."