In Wayne Johnson's book, "A History Of Violence," Johnson lists Outfit bosses as the following starting with Accardo from 1944-1956
Giancana - 1956 - 1966
Sam Battaglia - 1966
Alederisio - 1967
Cerson - 1968
Accardo - 1969
Bucierri - 1969 - 1973
Turello - 1973 - 1979
Aiuppa - 1979 - 1986
Feriola - 1986 - 1989
Carlisi - 1989 - 1992
DiFronzo - 1992 - 2011
Sarno & Cataudella 2011 - ?

I wasn't aware that Cerone, Bucierri or Turello were bosses? I thought Aiuppa took over in 1971? What do I know? I wonder if this is a typo?