Ideally. I'd go for nothing less than 100k. Work with a team. Not alone. Set up for a job and give yourself a timer. 60-120 seconds tops. Private residence/ commercial alarms give you a full minute of normal beeping(to allow the tenant time to disarm) before any alert is triggered. High end alarms give you the same amount of time but send a silent warning to local police that a robbery might be in action. If disarmed they send another update saying it was a false alarm. Reguardless. At any moment cops can be there within 4-10 minutes. If you set up for 60-120 you can make your getaway with enough time to stay out of the suspicion arena. Now another thing with these alarms is that if you pick the lock instead of giving it the knock down. High end alarms won't send any notices because they can sense whether the lock is being turned or not. Best ways to escape are through non descript avenues. Sewage tunnels. Mopeds or motorcycle if there is traffic. And lastly have a drop point where you can quickly ditch item and come back for it after once heat has died down.

We're takers gents. That's what we do for a living.