Just a general question: Has it ever been definitively established that Rocky Infelise was made in 1983 at Nick's ceremony? I know some people have said that he was but if you read Coen's book, Nick mentions him being there but does not mention him as one of the ones being made.

Proposed members:
Melrose Park: Marcello and Zizzo
26th Street: Nick and Frank, Sr.
North Side: John Matassa and Frank Belmonte
Chicago Heights: Al Tocco

It appears to me that Infelise was there on behalf of Cicero because Ferriola was not there. DiFronzo was another guy there repping a crew that did not propose any members. I think this is where the confusion stems as it would seem to me that Infelise would almost have to be made by this point, if he wasn't already a member in the sixties (as it shows in a few FBI files).

On a slightly related note, I know the feds later catch him on the wire talking about the blood and "fire cards" and he expressed surprise that "they still did that." I interpret this as Rocky being surprised that they still did this in 1989 and he assumed that after Aiuppa went away they stopped. Just something to consider.

"Snakes... Snakes... I don't know no Snakes."