I mean the mob in 2014 is a dying breed with the sophistication of electronic surveillance and computers systems. I mean gambling is legal everywhere basically, every state has a numbers system and there is almost a national one. Its tough for unions in some cases states to squeeze development like they have in the past. I think one of the biggest money makers that the mob may have had their hands in in the past few years was the mortgage crisis and flipping homes because a lot of dumbasses stole tons of $$ in that scam and then the pill mills in Florida and elsewhere that generated a ton of money before the authorities caught up to them. People need to be smarter and not so much streetwise these days to look ahead at areas they can get their money illegally. It seems that the russians and other euros are more fwd looking people into the tech crimes and are getting billions in that industry and not getting caught and probably not looking to share that profit with anyone