Originally Posted By: Benedetto
I remember the awful taste of St. Ides malt liquor. This stuff was pretty rough.

St. Ides might be the worst tasting beer ever.

Because of the influence of music videos(nothin but a G thing, in particular)....we had fridge full of 40s.and we drank each and every kind of 40 available.
olde english, private stock, "Crazy Horse", ides, colt45

I think private stock had puzzles or rebuses under the cap....and you haven't lived until you tried to solve a rebus after taking 2-3 40s to the neck

malt liquor is rotgut.

midnight dragon is actually the WORST tasting beer ever made though

really really cheap.....

if you go to the worst neighborhood you can think of.....go to the liquor store there and walk out with Midnight Dragon Beer.......the winos outside will say "there goes the neighborhood"