Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Originally Posted By: Turnbull
(as if we couldn't figure it out from his thuggish bodyguard).

Hey, watch it. That thug and I go back a long way! wink

Originally Posted By: RedSeal
A huge crowd of people singing with a band in a room and one guy peeks around a door and starts singing with them and everybody stops like someone set off a bomb. This is one of 100 ways in which GF3 is sloppy.

I think that FFC did it that way to show the audience that Zsa Zsa was NOT invited by Michael to the celebration and was on the 'OUTSIDE' looking in, making the disruption to show that even though he was not invited to be a part of the 'inner circle' he still invaded the celebration.

They were checking names at the door. He would already have made a commotion there if he forced his way in. There was no indication that he wasn't invited. He was a member of the Corleone family.