Regarding "making," I wonder if some people within the organization/around it, kind of look at it as being silly.

Henry Hill was a on radio show and this guy called in who either was a gangster or pretending to be a mobster talking about how he was a stand up guy, etc., and making fun of Hill for ratting, and Hill kept exploding with laughter and going, "Are they gonna make you Louie?! Are they gonna make you?!"

And Fosco said basically it was a tool they kind of passed out to people in order to not have to pay them more... ha... like the way a company gives you a title for a promotion instead of more money.

I just imagine that if you are part of a criminal organization that the brass tacks are making money and keeping out of trouble with the law... and if you are not making money no one is going to care if you are made or not. Similarly, if you are in enough trouble with the law, I kind of doubt being made would be much of a deterrent to flipping.

I guess the bottom line is that I don't think in serious situations for full grown men who are already career criminals, having their finger pricked would really influence important events one way or another.