Actually for made guys , on the east coast anyways they are looked up to by the brothers and respected . It's actually quite funny and i know a few that have been in, probably a movie thing or even to learn some real scams , not moving 8 balls .

Really for made guys , prison while super boring is just about hanging around , playing cards and having the occasional beef ( in the family ), it's just in their nature I guess

A lot of the made guys that don't flip still have $ on the street and are making $ so can afford quite nice food inside . Even a $100k on street could bet back $20-25k and somehow these guys still have big loanbools. Especially now as lending standards have really tightened up for no doc and small business , I bet a lot of captains have some huge loan books today and mainly last 5 years and that's a quiet business. Personally I'd just do that , sports book and extort adult places n u good n under radar.