Originally Posted By: 22
Little Nicky,totally agree,said something like that a little while ago.if Nicodemo flips the jury will probably look at it like he's trying to save his own neck and when Ligambi's lawyers get done with it they will shred him.Could it be this simple as Nicodemo saying Uncle Joe ordered the hit and then Ligambi saying,no I didn't.Like a ''he said she said''I doubt its on tape so again even if he wants to co-operate I still don't think he has enough to get a conviction on Ligambi.

I think the strength of tony nick's flipping would the possibility of the momentum it would cause. Grande would go down immediately (as the triggerman) along with some other ancillary guys. Maybe that would be enough to bring a case against merlino, uncle joe or maybe lucibello. Or maybe some other evidence exists out there on the two murders that we don't have because they never filed charges.

But on his own, i think hes a weak witness regardless of the extent that the feds tilt everything in their favor. He will be especially pathetic if he is found guilty by a juror of his peers before flipping. Then they literally got a convicted murder one felon, that likely testified falsely at this own trial, telling the government's story.

Last edited by LittleNicky; 05/25/14 05:56 AM.

Should probably ask Mr. Kierney. I guess if you're Italian, you should be in prison.
I've read the RICO Act, and I can tell you it's more appropriate...
for some of those guys over in Washington than it is for me or any of my fellas here