Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

"Substantive due process of the XIV Amendment, which protects fundamental unenumerated rights "implicit in the concept of ordered liberty."

In other words, we'll just go ahead and assume this is what the Founders meant or stretch the original intention so far out of wack to justify anything we want.

That's an inference or spin, based on ignorance. If you were familiar with the standards and tests developed to determine when restrictive laws rise to the level of creating an undue burden on personal liberty, such that the law is unconstitutional, you wouldn't resort to the hysterical cry of the ill-informed: "They're just doing anything they want." And I guess you're still looking up the IX Amendment on Wikipedia.

It's funny how you hailed and cheered a year ago when the Court struck down part of the Civil Rights Act on what many considered an infringement on the legislative branch. Hypocrisy.