Top 2 - Finale, Part 1

This is it, Caleb "The Rock & Roll Viking" vs Jena "The Sleeper"....

Creator Simon Fuller's Picks

B   Caleb  "Dream On"
C+  Jena   "Dog Days Are Over"

JENA was okay, a bit meh. K: Breath control, own stage; J: Good start; H: Great job

Caleb hit the note! J: That what you gotta do! H: Phenomenal, but keep power throughout; K: Disagree, arc was exceptional.

Reprise fav song of season

B   Jena   "I Can't Help Falling in Love"
B   Caleb  "Maybe I'm Amazed"

Both from Top 4 week, I give them a tie here. Neither were as special/magical as the first time we heard them. First time, Jena was #1 (A-) and Caleb #2 (B+).

JENA H: Unique and special; K: Leader, trailblazer; J: Soul comes through, goosies

CALEB K: Don't lose feeling; J: More heart, less power; H takes a vote who won the first two rounds [K: Tie, J: Jena, H: Jena]

Potential Singles for Winner

B-  Caleb   "As Long As You Love Me"
B-  Jena    "We Are One"

JENA did okay with a crappy song, good performer. J: Really good; H: Nice work; H: Perfect for you

CALEB's song sounded retro-corny, great vox of course, felt long. H: You're gonna sleep tonight, Ali vs Frazier; K: Congrats to both; J: Good luck, America!

I pretty much have these two tied at this point. JENA will likely win, but I voted for CALEB -- whom I've loved all season.

Top 12 Idols sing "Break Away"

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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