Thank you, SB and TIS. I always seem to learn a nugget from the past when I sit down with her. For instance, I always knew that she had eloped with my grandfather in 1935 because nobody really had big, family weddings during the depression. And I knew they had a spaghetti dinner following the ceremony with another couple, who had served as witnesses. But I didn't realize until recently that they kept their marriage secret for about a month. On the wedding night my grandfather took her back to her home and he went to his.

Another thing, for as long as I remember -going back to grade school, I think - I sometimes hum a simple tune whenever I'm feeling a little stressed. I only do this when I'm alone for some reason, and generally don't pay much attention to it.

Well, a few years ago between phone calls while I was visiting family, I hummed the jingle, and was surprised to hear my grandmother sing lyrics to the tune. I didn't even know it was a real song and asked her with some disbelief how she knew that song. She continued to sing another line or two and then told me that that was the song my mother and she sang to me when I was a baby to get me to take my naps. The name of the song was Hi Lili Hi Lo, and it was sung by Leslie Caron in a movie from the 50s. And for over 40 years I thought the tune was from me.