Here are some old shows on this subject I liked.

Crime story starring Anthony Dennison. I thought his character was very good. It took me a while to get used to his haircut.

WiseGuy starting Ken Walh. Dug the sonny character and Pat the cat Patrice. Joe delesandro is still kicking. Saw him in a music video not so long ago.

Falcone really liked that short lived series. The kid that just got out of the clink was in it. Shot it in Brooklyn. There is an actor Titus weaveri co stared in it. I thought he was really good in it. If you have not seen it gets it. Hard to get good copies though.

Weaver is going to have a new tv show for amazon Bosch something like that. He plays a detective not my favorite people. At the end of the pilot you find out he was abused by his Daddio as a kid. Since I was also lucky enough to have that happen to me.

I am interested how that effected how he deals with people now as a cop.

It made me a more interesting person thats for sure smile

only the unloved hate