Originally Posted By: mickey2
Another question, slightly unrelated, but i dont want to start a new thread over it.. anyways: Is there a more or less exact figure how many guys capone actually killed personally? Watched yesterday boardwalk empire, according to that tv series, capone was a complete, drug-addict psychopath

I don't think so. The murders you hear about him committing are going to a bar and blowing away a guy who had either insulted or harmed Jake Guzik (I forget) and a famous story of what he did to these two traitors. If you remember The Untouchables, it inspired the infamoous "baseball" scene.

I'm not sure how much truth there is in it, I think Gus Russo goes into it in his book, but the story was he invited these three guys who he knew were traitors to a big dinner with all their family present and (I am not sure I am remembeing this correctly), I think he forced the families to urinate on them or something.. ha... sounds very far fetched. Then he beat them to death with a bat.

In any event three people were killed. No one really knows what happened I guess as no one was ever arrested.

I imagine Capone made his bones early on but probably didn't do any "heavy work" himself after he became powerful.

But, who knows. There are some biographies of him out there of varying esteem. Maybe they say so. None of the books I've read seem to know too much about his early life.