OK what I mean by it being common is sometimes men and women from other countries where being a puta or puto is tolerated, decriminalized, or completely legal go to the United States and open up a massage or spa type place assuming or thinking that it's like in their country of origin, or thinking that law enforcement here in the United States is easily paid off or will turn a blind eye to people doing prostitution for money, or will ignore human traffic/forced sex slavery; but it's not like that here in the USA.

I have met men who go to women like this and pay for sex and some would hint about it, or some just flat out told me. I personally do not understand it, and have never or would never do this but this is what they are into doing. Yes, some of them were married or had girlfriends. uhwhat confused

This was an amusing comment on the article linked above:

The fact the buildings owner had no idea what it was being used for is a joke. How do you not become suspicious when a "Spa" opens up in this sort of location. If you own a building wouldn't you want to know every detail on what is being operated out of it. Of course this owner knew because he was probably receiving a big cut of the income too and probably helped get them up and running to keep his building from just sitting empty.

Last edited by cornuto_e_contento; 05/14/14 10:14 PM.