Originally Posted By: Torrie1
Originally Posted By: Belmont
This kid grew up in central NJ. How did he get hooked up in brooklyn? I know his father was a made guy that was clipped in 1979. How did he have access to guys in brooklyn growing up in jersey?
The guy wasnt a money maker, he only killed.

His father was killed in 1980. John had is 6th birthday 9 days after his father was killed. His father did have some friends who visited them often in their Staten Island home until his mother sold it and moved to Holmdel? His mom tried to keep him out but I guess the pull was too strong. Now as you said he was not a moneymaker also unlike his father he did not marry and have a family. He almost seemed like he was constantly living on the edge where his father did have the responsibilities of a family, trying to blend in with 9 to 5ers.

it sounds like you know the guy personally