Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
Arena - gay. D'Amato - gay. Mormando - gay.

I don't know about D'Amato. Anthony Capo said that they killed him because D'Amato's girlfriend said that D'Amato and his girlfriend went to some club and D'Amato made out with a guy. Or something. All he said, she said stuff. For all we know it could have been made up bullshit because they wanted D'Amato gone. Isn't it possible they wanted him gone and needed an excuse, and there was no reason to suspect he was a rat? So they made something up. I can't believe every guy that got clipped was killed for the stated reason. A lot of treachery and deceit in that life.

Last edited by Fleming_Ave; 05/11/14 06:30 PM.