Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
Originally Posted By: SaintAccardo
I don't know about you, but I'd rather have my legs broke. Yeah it hurts but they heal. And I also don't like the fact that it's so easy for many to welch on what they owe. Maybe they should get their legs broken.

I've just mentioned. Look at the destruction of the rainforests, rivers, wildlife all in the name of progress but really due to corporate greed and lets not forget about the exploitation of labor.

On, the first part, that is just where we will agree to disagree.

On the second part, what about the Mafia in Italy, giving weapons to the Africans for exchange of dumping toxic waste on their land? Your dealing with a double edged sword there my friend.

Thats a much smaller area than the rainforests of Central and South America. I'm going to get arguements from every angle here. The bottom line is they are all ineffective and pale in comparison to what our government and the corporations of our country do.
And I am only referring to the American mob here also. Not the italian mafia, the N'draghetta, or the Cammora.
Yes, pizzaboy, I will agree to disagree. People by the time they're 20 are conditioned to be who they are and what they are and as they say, a leopard doesn't change its spots.