Originally Posted By: XDCX
This is by no means an attempt on my behalf to undermine anyone's beliefs or their right to believe.

Sure it is. You're letting one guy, who can't help but outrage people who don't agree with him, drive you to mock all of the believers on this board who quietly go about their faith.

Originally Posted By: XDCX
And hey! If you guys can throw the Bible in our faces, it's only fair that we counter with some scientific literature of our own! wink

Again, it's not "you guys." It's basically one guy who can't help but mock people who don't agree with him. So you're mocking everyone who believes.

I mean, just look at the title: God is Imaginary. If that's not meant to incite, I don't know what is.

Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
"God is a concept, by which we measure our pain" John Lennon.

And don't turn Lennon into a philosopher. He was a musical genius, but he was just a man. A very flawed, very drug-addled man. It's amazing that you can't recognize a Deity, yet you seem to "worship" a singer. And if I wanted to be mean, I'd say look what happened to him.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.