Originally Posted By: USICILIANU
Most sicilians are looking down at neapolitans, they say they are "mariuoli" which means "thieves", and they say calabresi are particularly stubborn. In fact in Sicily when you call a guy "testa i calabrisi" it means that he is stubborn.

I grew up with a guy that had a Neapolitian last name/heritage and he IS a thief, and pathological liar as well. He would steal pretty much anything from anyone even people he did not know, his parents, other people's families including their parents as a kid, and his teachers from school.

I cut ties with him as a teenager/young adult. I hope he got help for his Kleptomania and pathological lying but I wouldn't be surprised if he's still into it and lying.

Last edited by cornuto_e_contento; 05/05/14 08:43 AM.