Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
This is why I'm against legalizing marijuana. After that, we'll have this kind of nonsense - people advocating for the legalization of hard drugs. Look at the damage legalized alcohol and tobacco do to society. Can you imagine what legalized cocaine, heroin, or meth would do?

WG, Less than 100 years ago, none of these substances was illegal.

Until our government decided to draft unconstitutional federal laws regarding these substances. That's right, unconstitutional.... These matters were to be left up to each state to resolve how they wanted to handle them. We all saw how well prohibition of alcohol worked. Fact of the matter is, society is currently rife with these substances, and the current "war" has been a total failure.

I'm not for "legalization", what I'm for is preservation of civil liberties. If I decide I want to put something into my body, be it alcohol, heroin, or a bullet to my brain, that's my decision to make. Not that of a governing body that feels they know best what's good for the citizenry.

Let be clear though on one issue, I hate marijuana... Tried it several times in my life when I was a kid and never had a good experience. Other stuff I messed around with 20 years ago, but it was a passing fancy. However, just because I don't use drugs, that's no excuse for me to force my morality on others. Especially when any of these "illegal" items are only a phone call or short drive away. A person's body is theirs to do with as they see fit, not for someone else to tell them what they can or can't put into it.

"Freedom off choice", isn't that what our nation was founded on? Drug consumption is a victimless crime.