I can understand feeling somewhat offended at this discussion, it's not an easy thing to accept of one's nation, but, unfortunate realities should not discourage dialogue between interested parties.

terrorist is just a word governments use to describe grass roots rebellion against oppressive states. As I said in my original post, being capable of empathy with these groups, by no means I agree with their methods or even their politics. However, there is no denying that England is an occupational government. This is essentially the exact situation that is happening in the Ukraine right now. The only difference is that England has been doing it for hundreds of years.

So yeah, the murder of a mother of ten is an atrocious act and whomever is guilty should rightfully be brought to justice. perhaps not at the expense of a hard fought for peace in that region, however. The needs of the many, my friend. And that's assuming he's guilty, which we won't know unless he goes to trial.

Honestly - It's very telling that you've already made up your mind before the facts have even been presented, dude. Just sayin'. Try to look past nationalism and see the world for what it is.

Last edited by slumpy; 05/02/14 08:02 AM.