Originally Posted By: NNY78

IMO I wouldn't put Meth in the same class as heroin and crack in this context. Crack,(Cocaine) and Heroin,(Morphine Derivative) were existing drugs that were altered on purpose to be especially addictive. Meth is no less destructive though.


By anyone's measure this guy we are talking about in this thread is a sick bastard if he did in fact abuse a child.

I agree with you that people with substance abuse and mental health problems need our support and compassion not our condemnation. People with a substance abuse or mental health problem are ill just like the person with diabetes or heart disease. We don't treat the guy with heart disease who eats four days a week at Burger King or the diabetic who sneaks a piece of cake or hides a box of chocolates like Ginny Sack the same way the addict or alcoholic is isolated, mocked, dismissed and belittled. Shame on us

Cocaine including crack, is not physically addictive. But I have heard that it is very psychologically addictive. I have heard that crystal meth is even more addictive than crack/coke are, and that many people have tried to quit using methamphetamine and the rate of people who quit, become sober, and stay sober for long periods of time is very low.

I do not know alcoholics who are mocked, belittled, or isolated. But I do know people who are very good at hiding SA (substance abuse) issues, or pretending to themselves that they do not have a problem or addiction to alcohol or other drugs.