Originally Posted By: trophydave
i agree...but one 1 italian report (ill try to find it again) suggested this might have been a calabrian hit, hinting the old rizzuto family is now controlled by calabrian families, and this hit suggests in fighting within the clans for control of montreal and more importantly the port.

interesting but not likley.

sonny black and antimafia: do u think the rizzuto family has enough clout to pull something like this off?

dont they know each each of the calbrians have about 300 cousins, uncles, nephews back in siderno, waiting for a chance to strike. lol


1. Hard to tell from your post above whether you're genuinely seeking posters' opinions or whether you're posing questions to which you already know the answers anyway. For example, I can't figure out whether you're suggesting that non-'ndrangheta criminals or crime groups would never dare double-cross, assault, deceive, or kill a Siderno Group member in Canada.

2. The Siderno Group in the Greater Toronto Area is, for me, the most interesting Italian crime group to research, but most of my posts—on this type of forum and others—are about the Montreal Mafia, past and present.

3. At the risk of my sounding like a broken record, the excerpted information in an older post of mine to which I've linked below is an example of how I interpret the collaborative relationship between the Italian underworlds of Toronto and Montreal for the past 40 years.


The quest I've been on for the last few years is figuring out how the previously close relationship between the Siderno Group and the Montreal Mafia has changed—and why.