BMF was a whole lot more than a record label if you actually know what you're talking about and to look for. The authors are correct about that, BMF, while possibly never being on par with a successful mafia family, they were a well organized gang, so to speak. They were in mainly Atlanta & Detroit, but they spread, and turned into a major drug enterprise. The record label was simply an attempt to hide the illegal cash with something legit. What led to their downfall is the same thing that took down Joe Massino, the followed the money trails, and guys started to turn informant. Granted all they were about was drugs, they never infiltrated any unions or garment industries or shit like that.

Seems like some of these Mafia fandom types, they seem to think black people weren't capable of building anything that surpassed the average street gang.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 04/16/14 08:15 PM.