Turk Torello lived in Cicero & was extremely close to Joey Aiuppa. Joe Lombardo was a Grand Avenue guy who was very close to Jackie Cerone & those guys. They just happened to work for Taylor St because that's who jumped them in. Lombardo had been vocally critical of & dissatisfied with his boss (Milwaukee Phil) and embraced the changing of the guard. Similar situation with Torello. Lombardo & Torello were mid level soldiers during the Giancana era, they wouldn't have had much direct contact with Mooney.

The Carusos were intertwined with the Rotis & Aiuppa didn't want to alienate that relationship. Skid was politely asked to step aside & agreed, which is why he was still allowed to earn.

Last edited by HuronSocialAthletic; 04/13/14 09:18 PM.