
Chiodo 6 ft. 1
Castellano 6 ft.
C. Avellino 5 ft.11
Luciano 5 ft. 10
Lastorino 5 ft. 10
Dellacroce 5 ft. 10
Gigante 5 ft. 10
Senter 5 ft. 10
J. Testa 5 ft. 10
Gotti 5 ft. 9
Gaggi 5 ft. 9 (exact height is somewhere in Murder Machine)
S. Avellino 5 ft. 9
F. DiNome 5 ft. 9
Baratta 5 ft. 8
Persico 5 ft. 7
Leonetti 5 ft. 7
Genovese 5 ft. 7
D'Arco 5 ft. 7
Scarfo 5 ft. 6
Casso 5 ft. 6
Amuso 5 ft. 6
Gravano 5 ft. 5
Galante 5 ft. 5
Pitera 5 ft. 5

I have a lot of time on my hands presently. Sorry.

Last edited by Moe_Tilden; 04/13/14 03:06 AM.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.