He looks like he hasn't had a thought in years! Should get a tattoo on that big cholo forehead that says "This space for rent. Se hable espanol" No wonder the mob is in such bad shape. And he looks like a hypochondriac. Type of guy that rides the subway for the first time and gets sneezed on by some junkie-lookin chedrool eating a bucket of KFC, he'd go rushing to the nearest hospital so fast your head would spin: "Doctor, Doctor, I need to be checked, I think I contracted The Virus !!" He'd flip in a NY minute! He'd have a dream he was being pinched, wake up and call the feds and say "I can't take the heat anymore! I'm ready to talk!" while they're scratching their heads on the other end: "Who is this guy again???"

Are you sure he's LCN? He looks more like a norteno jerkoff from San Jose, type of lowlife who's so far down on the economic latter that he rents a house from a couple of Filipino immigrants. "East Side San Jo por vida ese! Puro Uno catorce SK All Day puttin work on dem scrapas, holmes! Puro XIV San Jo Rifa, carnalllll!"

Just sayin.

Last edited by atardi; 04/11/14 10:03 AM.