Top 8 Redux - The '80s

With David Cook as mentor (he was great, actually!), and more duets.

B+  CJ     "Free Fallin'"
B   Caleb  "Faithfully"
B   Sam    "Time After Time"
B   Alex   "Every Breath You Take"
B-  Dex    "Keep Your Hands To Yourself"
C   Jena   "I Love Rock 'n Roll"
C   Jess   "Call Me"
C-  Malaya "Through The Fire"

JENA was interesting, but not strong enough voice. K/J: A bit low

DEX was okay, nothing special. H: Basic, fine; K: Started stiff

Duet #1 - Alex & Sam - "That Girl is Mine" (B)

MALAYA started off well, then lost it. K/J: Need to relax, focus

Duet #2 - Jena & Caleb - "It's Only Love" (Harry "went in" - to the audience - and ended up with a young girl on his shoulders) (B-)

JESS didn't blow me away. H: Sing the shuffle, feel the pocket

SAM was pretty good, original, and I love that song. J: Good job, H: watch young Ricky Nelson videos on YouTube

Duet #3 - CJ & Malaya - "I Knew You Were Waiting" [didn't grade it in writing]

ALEX was very original, to say the least. H: Coffee House; K: Bold; J: Missed the melody

Duet #4 - Dex & Jess - "Islands in The Stream" (B-)

Here, Keith starts drumming on the table, and the Judges -- then audience -- starts singing "Like a Virgin" -- then Ryan starts singing, and yeah, he can't.

CJ was a few notes short of perfection, IMHO. J: Started shaky; H: Great connection, practice pitch

CALEB finally proved: his power is > his singing, but!, he's still great -- but not #1! H: Waiting for this

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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