Originally Posted By: Serpiente
I hear that Sonny, has S.J. as has for some time..

But George may have changed that up....

George Who changed it up?

I am not quite sure about right now today but Sonny has always been a south Philly Guy. He use to operate during the day right near my old apartment on 13st. Ive hung with Sonny a few times due to my cousin. Ive said this before, hes not the most likeable. Hes always got a puss face on. Anyway, maybe things changed recently but I know he was out of South PHilly when UJ was running things and before that. Maybe hes doing Staino's pick ups now that some of UJ guys are away and people saying he is acting capo or whatever you wanna call it...idk. But he lives in a Condo near the Eagles NovaCare complex. Haven't seen him around the city as much as I use to so maybe there is something to it. But its definitely not been for a while.