This stuff started coming out in the late 60's 70's,now don't hammer me if the date is a little off.But we had a guy that did nothing but get this gross s***.

And this guy did not let nothing get by him,it was all on 8mm if my memory serves me right.But definitely a reel to reel machine.

It seamed the more the dope spread the more strung out these people became (not the viewers, the directors and participants)
This started out as abuse.And blossomed into full out snuff after there was one or more accidents,during the abuse scenes witch resulted in deaths. That's when the snuff became the craze!!The sick viewers became crazy over it and supply and demand came into play.

The word of this spread so fast across the east coast as far as i know(east coast)That it became real and fake. The one that were considered real could be worth a fortune, In steps the mob...

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."