Originally Posted By: Dirty_Sox_Bob
Ahhh, OK. I knew that digging a hole was best done before, I just didn't realise that someone other hit crew would do it.

As for the cleaner - I've seen Pulp Fiction but figured it was just Tarrentino (sp?) Pulp Fiction. It makes me wonder how someone gets into that line of work? Attention to detail, a strong stomach and batshit crazy, I guess. What would they earn a job? I figure it would be based on how good you are, but if you weren't good at it you wouldn't last long either, would you?

A job like that would usually pay off a Vig for a few months.
The BEST cleaners of all time were the Westies.
These crazy Irish bastards had it down to a SCIENCE.
Kevin McElroy used to brag that when properly done, a body would be cut up in 16 pieces.
Coonan used to remind the guys who did the work to puncture the lungs and stomach if the torso if it was being disposed o9f in water, so it wouldn't float.
I had displeasure of meeting a couple of these psychos in person once, Kevin McCue and Kenny Shannon. Between the two of them they might have had 1000 working brain cells. It is possible Shannon was mildly retarded. They were two of the least intimidating guys I had ever seen, but these guys were awesome killers and the BEST at what they called "Doing the Houdini"(Disappearing someone) I was never so glad to leave a bar in my life.

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.