How much is online porn cutting into business and shakedowns?

I live in a city pretty famous for it's vice, one of the big adult shops (sold videos, sex toys and bondage stuff) that had a fairly good mail-order business was shut down. I know friends of the owner and they said it was because he had next to zero internet presence. Online mechants simply killed him.

The local old-school adult theatre seems to be on it's last legs and nieghborhood it's in is rapidly gentrifying, so it will probably be gone in the next couple of years.

The strip-clubs are still going strong of course, plenty of tourists come here with wads to gamble at the casinos and husbands on "business trips" want to see the real thing.

The legal cat-houses are going strong too even though they have to set-up 25 miles out of town.

But I know a couple of girls who are cam girls and they make a pretty good bank for $500 investment on equipment and the cut from the websites they work for. The only way to shakedown someone doing that is blackmail, but thier already on the internet for anyone to see in the first place. If someone wants to find you, they will find you.

Last edited by Tony_Pro; 04/05/14 05:02 PM.

This life of ours, this is a wonderful life. If you can get through life like this, hey, thats great. But it's very, very unpredictable. There are so many ways you can screw it up.-Paul Castellano (he would know)

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