Originally Posted By: MaryCas
This might also qualify as "Crime and Justice". Sunday,2/23, The Press of Atlantic City, "Watchdog Report" ran an article on the salary of the Margate City librarian. How does $135,886 sound? Man, did I make the wrong career choice! Margate is an upscale beach town south of Atlantic City, population 6,354. According to the Bureau of Labor Statitics, the median annual wage for librarians was $55,370 in 2012. The Margate library assistant made $77,249 in 2013. The New Jersey Library Association recommended salary for towns with populations between 7,500 and 15,000 is $79,400. Must be tough work cataloging all those books.
Darn i live one town down and we have one ,and my taxis are 18,500 a year, she or he must make 200,000.00 a year....

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."